Thursday, April 5, 2012

Those Eyes

The other day we were in Walgreens, when an old lady walked by your stroller and said, "OH. MY. GOSH."  Then she just stood there staring at you.  I was a little taken aback by this reaction to my child and slightly concerned.  Were you bleeding?  Were you covered in poop?  Had you spewed sweet-potato-colored spit up all over yourself? (Wouldn't be the first time.)

I glanced at you, and everything appeared to be just fine, so I questioningly looked back at her.

"He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen," she said in an awestruck voice.

Then today, we were out for a jog.  Our apartment is right by a high school, so there are always teenagers hanging around.  As we were waiting at a cross walk, a couple of teeny bopper girls came up behind me, and suddenly one of them said to me, "Um, not to be weird or anything..."

She paused, and I started imagining the worst for how she was going to finish that sentence.  Was my underwear hanging out?  Did I have a grass stain in an unfortunate place?  Was I dragging toilet paper on my shoe?

I looked at her, and she continued, "...but your baby has the bluest eyes I've ever seen."

Thank you, Katie!!

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